gwenles.txt SUBJECT:A STORY OF Gwen Gwen was new to town but had an old high school friend that she could stay with. She soon arrived at her friend Sue's house. There she was met by Sue's roommate Betty. Sue had told Betty to expect Gwen and they were soon settled into the house. Later that night Betty came into Gwen's room. "Well my dear Gwen, Sue said that I was to make you feel at home" and saying this began to slowly remove Gwen's nightgown. Gwen was a little startled but soon relaxed. but then came the rope.... Sue quickly wrapped a loop of rope around Gwen's wrists and made the knot tight. Gwen was shocked. As she opened her mouth to complain she found a pair of her own panties being shoved into her mouth. Sue quickly used a silk stocking to knot it in place. Soon Gwen found her knees and ankles tied tightly together. "Well my pretty" said Betty, "lets see how flexable you are" and quickly began to tie Gwen's elbow's together. She had to pull and tug but finally succeeded. Then pulling the rope tight tied Gwen's wrists and ankles together. "Well that should keep you until morning" Sue said as she turned out the light. Gwen wondered what would happen now. Oh, when was Sue due back? "Did you have a good night's sleep my dear?" Betty asked in the morning. Gwen tried to tell her that she did not but all she got was a muffled reply. "I see that you do not think that I have been very hospitable to you. For that you are going to be punished." With that, Betty began to tie Gwen spread eagle face down on the bead. "I am going to give your little ass an introduction to a friend of mine." Betty then pulled out the largest vibrator that Gwen had ever seen. Betty then began to rub vaselene all over it. Gwen knew what was going to happen. Desperetly she tried to get free but her bonds were too good. She felt the tip of the vibrator against her anus. Betty began to push. Slowly Betty pushed on the vibrator. She felt Gwen tense up "Gwen my pretty, if you do not relax this is going to be very painful and I assure you that it is going in." Gwen knew what Betty said was true, she would push it in no matter what she did and she tried to relax. Soon (even though Gwen would disagree) it was deep inside her. Betty then got up and got a set of BEN WA balls and reaching under Gwen pushed them deep into Gwen's pussy. "If these or the vibrator come out, I am going to whip you." Gwen tried her best, she did not want to be whipped. Betty then got a pair of rubber panties out of the dresser drawer. "You are going to wear these to keep everything in place". Betty untied Gwen's legs and then proceeded to put the rubber panties on Gwen. They were extremely tight and they were sculptered. They fit Gwen just like a second skin. The vibrator was now beginning to excite Gwen and she was shocked. Could it be. She was beginning to enjoy this!!. Betty now lashed Gwen's wrists to her thighs and then tied her elbows together before helping her to sit up. Then Gwen got excited; Sue was back. Oh, now she would get free. "Gwen, I promissed you a weekend that you would not forget. I see that Betty has begun." No, not Sue! This entire weekend was her idea. What was in there mind now? Betty and Sue lead Gewn downstairs to the basement where they said the fun would begin. Down in the basement Gwen was seated in a sturdy chair and her legs were tied to the chair. The walk down the stairs had excited Gwen extremely. The combination of the BEN WA balls, the vibrator and the feel of the rubber were just too much. It was something else!! Sue removed the gag from Gwen's mouth. "We must keep your strength up for the final bind of your stay. So eat your breakfast" and Sue then proceeded to feed Gwen some eggs and sausage for breakfast. Gwen kept quiet since every time that she tried to talk Betty would pinch Gwens nipples very hard. It did not take many times for Gwen to get the idea. What was to come next? After eating Gwen was then bound to a table in the back of the basement. Spread eagle on her back Gwen was subjected to the light strokes of feathers administered by her friend Sue. But soon Gwens giggles and pleas to stop upset Sue. Sue prodeeded to get a rubber full face helmet from a chest along with a rubber ball. She placed the ball in Gwen's mouth and then proceeded to streach the helmet over Gwen's head. It was hard work since the helmet was much too tight but when she got it on you could see every line in Gwen's face. Two holes by her nostrills allowed her to breathe. Sue tormented Gwen like this for many hours. By then she tired of this position for Gwen. Betty helped Sue tie Gwen upside down with her legs spread wide. Gwen's wrists were tied together behind her back. Sue removed the mask and ball from Gwen and replaced it with an open harness that had a sponge rubber ball that went into Gwen's mouth to keep her quiet. They then placed a wide leather collar on Gwen's pretty little neck and tied her wrists to it. Then to add to the tension they tied her elbows together. "Well sweet Gwen see how your tits stick out when your arms are tied like this we should do this more often." Then carefully they stripped the panties off of Gwen's tight bottom and removed the dildo from her butt. Now hanging upside down again. Sue prepaired Gwen for the next step. "Now Gwen we are going to prepair you for the trial." Gwen wondered what they ment but she was getting more engrossed with the feeling of the BEN WA balls slowly sinking deeper into her pussy. "Stay still we don't want to cut you." Then Betty brought out a razor and shaving cream. "Now what?" wondered Gwen and she soon found out. Betty began to spread cream all over Gwen's pussy hair. Soon Gwen was shaved clean. "Now to keep those balls in you", Betty said as she taped Gwen's cunt lips closed. In the meantime Sue was busy at the sink in the other room. Soon she came out with a large pail and an enema bag. "Now for your trial", and Sue moved closer. Sue slowly inserted the enema tube into Gwen's butt. Then Gwen felt Sue pump it up. "That is so that it does not come out." Then Sue began the enema. As the warm fluid was flowing into Gwen, Sue and Betty began to caress and kiss Gwen's breasts. Gwen began to moan as the two women stimulated her. Soon Sue cut off the flow of fluid, Gwen had taken a quart. The next step would be more difficult and to prepair Gwen they began to massage her. They rubbed oil all over her body and slowly worked the tension out of Gwen's harassed muscles. Soon Gwen was a sight to see hanging there all shiny with her full breasts standing out from her body. Gwen looked and felt beautiful. Gwen had finally admitted it to herself. She enjoyed this. Sue refilled the enema bag and turned the flow back on. Gwen began to thrash about in her bonds. This was too much too soon. She could not take another quart it would surely kill her she thought. Sue and Betty tried to reassure Gwen but she would not relax. But soon Gwen was proven wrong. She took the second quart fully. She now looked slightly preagnant with her bloated belly. Keeping the tube closed Sue and Betty let Gwen down and tied her legs together. They then made her hop into the next room where they placed her in a tub of warm water and gave her a bath. After this they let her relieve herself of the enema. Gwen spent the rest of the day lightly bound and walking around the house all that she was allowed to wear in addition to her bonds was a tight rubber corset. Betty and Sue told her that she would have to get acustomed to it before the 'FINAL BONDAGE' tomorrow. That night Sue and Betty tied Gwen upright to a pole in the basement and told her that she would have to spend the night that way. That night Sue and Betty worked to keep Gwen aroused and in ecstasy. Gwen came many times that night before being left standing to try to sleep. In the morning Betty and Sue came in and awakened Gwen. Gwen was theirs now. She was their SLAVE. Gwen knew it in her soul that she loved this she would do anything that these two asked. Sue and Betty explained to Gwen that the final bondage that they would put her in this weekend had to be voluntary. For the effect to be right they needed her cooperation. Gwen agreed. The three ladies retired to the bathroom where they proceeded to shave all of the hair from Gwen's body except that on her head and her eyebrows. After they dried her they took her down to the basement and explained what was about to happen. Gwen was going to be the centerpiece at tonights party. They were going to make a statue out of her and she would contain the drink for the ending toast of the party. Sue tightly laced the rubber corset on Gwen to give her an even slimmer waist and to hide her breathing. Betty carefully forced an empty enema bag into Gwen's butt, when Gwen was completely bound they would fill the bag with wine for the last toast of the party. Then they were ready to begin. They rubbed oil all over Gwen's body and into her hair. Sue then brought out a case of plaster bandages and a bucket. Gwen held her arms out in the pose that they wanted as they began to wrap the wet bandages around her neck and sholders. They were very careful not to put any on Gwen's full breasts. Then Sue began to work plaster into Gwen's hair so that she could sculpt her hair as she wanted it to look. Betty at the same time was wrapping bandages around Gwen's feet and legs. Soon all of Gwen was thickly covered in plaster except for Gwens breasts and cunt. Sue had done a wonderful job of putting the plaster on Gwens face. Gwen could breath and her facial features looked great in the plaster. Betty got this wicked look on her face and shoved a battery powered dildo into Gwens cunt and then sealed it in with the plaster. Both girls worked carefully on Gwen and soon the plaster was smooth and full of detail the only thing that looked odd was where Gwen's breasts jutted out from the plaster since they were bare flesh. This they corrected with white paint. They wanted to play with those breasts. They quickly filled the bag that was in Gwen's butt with red wine. As they were filling her, they could hear Gwen moaning in her bondage. After they were finished and had the tube to her ass sealed, they carried Gwen up to the living room. That night at the party the guests complimented Sue and Gwen on the fine statue that they had. Only some of them were told that there was a person inside it. All thru the night Sue and Betty sneeked chances to fondle Gwen's breasts. And at midnight they uncorked Gwen's ass for a midnight toast and the party ended. Sue and Betty were too tired to release Gwen so they left her untill the morning standing in the middle of the living room. In the morning Sue and Betty got up and decided to clean the house before releasing Gwen from her bondage. But to let Gwen know that they were still there they placed a set of nipple clamps on Gwen's lovely boobs. After lunch they carried Gwen down to the basement and slowly removed the plaster from her face. As soon as her face was free Gwen wanted to know if it was all over now. Betty answered that it was for now. Soon they had Gwen free from the plaster and cleaned up. To celebrate Gwen's discovery about herself. In the morning as Gwen went home she looked forward to when she could return and have Sue and Betty.